Código de conducta

1. Authorship

Any medical or health advice mentioned on this website will only be provided by qualified specialist physicians or healthcare professionals unless a clear declaration states that part of the suggestion offered is not from a qualified healthcare professional or comes from a non-medical organization.

The Medical Directors of Derma Associats are Dr Joan Ramon Garcés Gatnau and Dr Imma Coronas Guitart, both of whom are Doctors in Medicine and Surgery who studied at the Universidad de Barcelona and are specialists in Medical and Surgical Dermatology. They are licensed doctors with registration numbers 22,821 and 20,950 respectively.

2. Complementarity

The information provided on this website aims to complement not substitute the relationship which exists between a patient or visitor and their current doctor.

3. Confidentiality

This website respects the confidentiality of all data pertaining to patients and visitors, including their personal identity. The owners of this website undertake to respect and to exceed the legal requirements on the privacy of medical or health information applicable in the countries in which both the main site and its mirrors are located.

4. Attribution, References and Updates

When appropriate, the information contained on this website will be supported by clear references to the data sources and, if possible, there will be hyperlinks to this data. The date on which a clinical page was last modified will be clearly identifiable (i.e. at the bottom of the page).

5. Guarantee

Any requirements relating to the benefits or performance of a specific treatment, commercial product or service will be supported with the appropriate evidence and objectives in the manner indicated above in Principle 4.

6. Authorial Transparency

The web designers of this website shall aim to provide information in the clearest manner possible and will provide contact information so visitors can seek additional information. The webmaster will clearly indicate their address across the entire website.